Rebecca Hui

Entrepreneur, Designer and Founder

Rebecca Hui
Dedicated to promoting cultural integration, American Rebecca Hui is an entrepreneur, designer, and founder of Roots Studio. Rebecca leads a global group of cultural and creative technologists to reinvent sustainability in new formats through intellectual property licensing.

Representing 42 indigenous communities worldwide, Roots Studio fosters the connection between art and sustainable knowledge alongside partners such as Patagonia, NOAH, 3.1 Philip Lim, Chanel Foundation, Cartier Women's Initiative, and others.

Rebecca is also a supporter of environmental issues such as supporting communities combating climate change. She has collaborated on mapping policy formulation for "The Rurban" with the Government of India, aiming to expand water and infrastructure planning.

In her leisure time, Rebecca turns to the world of arts. She is an author of children's books, with the latest focusing on social entrepreneurship titled "Old Enough to Make a Difference".
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