Marine Conservation Scientist
Dr. Rachel Graham is a conservation scientist with over 30 years of experience in development and environment projects and leads the international non-profit MarAlliance dedicated to the collaborative research and conservation of large marine wildlife in several countries in Latin America, Africa and Oceania. She works toward win-win strategies for the persistence of threatened marine wildlife while improving the sustainability of small-scale fisheries and encounter tourism, in the face of impacts such as pandemics and climate change. Her marine explorations and discoveries with a focus on local capacity-building has led to a growing cohort of local shark researchers and marine conservationists in numerous data-poor countries. With widely published research, Dr. Graham’s work has led to conservation and policy wins as she bridges grassroots work with policy support. In 2011, she won the Whitley Fund for Nature Gold Award for her work with sharks and communities, and in 2021 was awarded a prestigious Pew Marine Fellowship.