Kathleen Martinez-Nazar

Archaeologist and Diplomat

Kathleen Martinez-Nazar
Dr. Kathleen Martinez-Nazar is a Dominican lawyer, archaeologist, and diplomat, best known for her work since 2005 in the search for the tomb of Cleopatra in the Taposiris Magna temple, in Egypt. She leads the Egyptian-Dominican mission in Alexandria, and is currently minister counselor in charge of cultural affairs at the Dominican embassy in Egypt. In 2022, Dr. Kathleen Martinez-Nazar and her team uncovered a 1,305-meter (4,281-foot) tunnel, located 13 meters (43 feet) underground, beneath an Egyptian temple. The excavation revealed a huge religious center with three sanctuaries, a sacred lake, more than 1,500 objects, busts, statues, golden pieces, and a huge collection of coins portraying Alexander the Great, Queen Cleopatra and the Ptolemies.
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