Alfredo Martins is currently a Professor at the School of Engineering (ISEP), Porto Polytechnic Institute (IPP), and a Research Coordinator with the Robotics and Autonomous Systems Group, INESC TEC, Portugal. He currently participates in various international EU and H2020 (EUScores, Atlantis, UNEXUP, Nettag) and national deep sea (Nessie, Hypersea) marine robotics research projects. He has a vast experience in mobile robotics, having worked with autonomous robots, since 1993, in multiple international (NATO, EU FP7, H2020) and national research projects addressing search and rescue, security, environmental monitoring, underwater mining and marine and deep-sea robotics. With an extensive list of publications in both land, aerial, underwater, and surface autonomous robots, his research interests include the perception, navigation, control, and coordination of mobile robots with particular emphasis on marine robots.